Timm Jessen New Member of Scienion’s Supervisory Board
Scienion AG today announced the appointment of industry expert Dr. Timm-H. Jessen to Scienion’s Supervisory Board, as elected at the company’s recent General Shareholders’ Meeting.
Dortmund and Berlin, Germany, September 3, 2007: Biochemist Timm Jessen was Chief Scientific Officer of Evotec OAI AG for several years and held various positions at Hoechst, later Sanofi-Aventis. He was a member of the international Biotech Integration Team throughout the Hoechst merger with Roussel and Marion Merrell Dow and was finally Head of Biotechnology for HMR Germany before he joined Evotec. "Based on its proprietary technologies Scienion has successfully launched a number of innovative products", Jessen stated, "I look forward to contributing to the further development of the company." Dr. Holger Eickhoff, CEO of Scienion AG, said: "We are delighted that Dr. Jessen joins Scienion’s Supervisory Board as the company will benefit from his technical expertise and market knowledge in our business areas."
Jessen follows Gerhard Steinkamp, who resigned from his membership in Scienion’s Supervisory Board as of May 31, 2007.
About Scienion AG
SCIENION AG is a life science company well positioned in the markets of ultra low volume liquid handling systems and microarray technologies. We provide our customers with an integrated product portfolio facilitating and improving multiparallel bioanalytics, high throughput screening and high throughput production of microarrays in the genomics and proteomics fields – from early research to manufacturing. Our approach is to provide our customers in pharmaceutical, biotech, diagnostic and reagents companies as well as in academic research institutions with high quality products serving as cost- and time-saving tools for their applications.
Based on Scienion’s expertise and proprietary platform technologies our product portfolio comprises hardware, consumables and services.
Scienion’s leading product is the sciFLEXARRAYER dispensing system, available in a product line of three size versions S3, S5 and S11. The piezo-electrically driven dispenser allows the aspiration of ultra low liquid volumes from different reservoirs and non-contact micro drop delivery in the picoliter to microliter range onto a variety of carriers. Presently Scienion is developing innovative integrated storage and dispensing devices. sciSWIFTs are based on Scienion’s proprietary Sterile Washfree Identifyable Fluid Technology. Disposable storage and dispensing nozzles eliminate the risk of contamination and as aspire and wash steps are no longer necessary, the spotting process is greatly accelerated.
Founded in 2000 in Berlin as a spin-off of the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, the company today operates from two sites, Dortmund and Berlin.
Dr. Holger Eickhoff, CEO
Otto-Hahn-Str. 15
D-44227 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 (0)30 – 6392 1700
Fax: +49 (0)30 – 6392 1701
E-mail: [email protected]
Almut Gebhard
Tel. + 49 (0)30 – 6120 1081
E-mail: [email protected]