SCIENION UK: workshop on lateral flow and point-of-care devices

It was with great anticipation and excitement that we hosted customers and industry suppliers at our first LFD/POC Workshop at SCIENION UK, Portsmouth on the 15th and 16th of February 2023.

This was an opportunity to not only share our knowledge and expertise, but to also strengthen the relationships we have with our customers and to establish new relationships. We were very proud to showcase our new facilities in Portsmouth for those who have not seen them yet.

The workshop was designed to have a good balance between presentations, practical hands-on work and for interaction and discussions during the Q&A sessions. All delegates also attended the dinner that was held on the evening of the 15th.

The customers attending the workshop represented various companies, from start-ups to well-established manufacturers. Delegates who represented the industry suppliers were from Sartorius, Ahlstrom, Cytiva, Kenosha and Pall Medical.

The presentations from SCIENION’s scientists and industry suppliers covered all aspects of Later Flow Devices, from design considerations, reagent and material selection, through troubleshooting, to high throughput solutions. There were also very interesting presentations on the history of Lateral Flow Devices as well as presentations on various new-generation technologies. During the practical parts of the workshop, delegates had the opportunity the build their own Lateral Flow Device.

The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive and we are happy to say that this workshop will be planned again for 2024.

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