cellenONE X1
Isolate 96 single cells in a few minutes.
Isolation and dispensing platform
Fully automated and integrated system with high speed and precision robotics.
Isolation and dispensing platform
Fully automated and integrated system with high speed and precision robotics.
Next level visualization
High definition optics allow visualization of a range of cells and particles while automated image processing provides new insight and a mean of quality control.
The ideal partner for a range of applications
From single cell isolation prior to sequencing to cloning for cell line development.
How to isolate single cells
Dispensing in 96 well plate
Single Cell Sequencing
Providing low volume and high accuracy single cell isolation and dispensing, cellenONE® is an ideal technology to isolate a wide variety of single cell prior to library generation and sequencing.
Open platform
Choose your substrate (96, 384, 1536wp or microwells)
Suitable for a range of sequencing methods.
Isolate cells, nuclei (from FF or FFPE tissues), microbeads.
Use a second dispensing channel for nanoliter dispensing of reagents (barcodes, lysis buffers…)
Isolating Prostate Cancer Cells
Second Channel for Nanoliter Dispensing
Dispensing of reagents (barcodes, lysis buffers, RT mix, etc) with the same device
Live Follow up of Single Cells
Each drop can contain no cell, one cell or multiple cells.
Cell Line Development
Providing very gentle isolation and high accuracy, cellenONE® is an ideal technology to develop monoclonal cell lines.
Acoustic technology ensures outstanding cell viability.
Only single cell are dispensed, cell line development time can be slashed by several weeks.
For fully sterile processing now comes integrated into BSC environment.