Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy 2017
We are pleased to invite you to the Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy 2017 Workshop to be held on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology at Ceres building, on September 18th – 20th, 2017.
This meeting will bring together thought leaders from across the emerging field of liquid phase electron microscopy (LPEM), and will include experts in the development of new methodologies, technologies and fundamental aspects of dynamics of organic, inorganic and biological nanomaterials.
Topics will include the development of novel cells, holder design and sample preparation, beam-sample interactions and the use of low dose LPEM, nucleation and growth of crystals, the evolution of soft matter and imaging biological samples. Furthermore, it will bring together theoretical and experimental teams looking at different aspects of LPEM from experiment set-ups, to the basic science problems of collecting, storing, and analyzing the collected data.
Make plans to join us in Eindhoven and register online.
As friend of SCIENION please register as a student and enter SCIENION 2017 beside your own company in the "Company" field.