New article in transkript
Read the article in [GERMAN] here.
transkript is a leading German-speaking news magazine for biotechnology and life sciences.
We talk about how cellenion has developed two innovative technologies: IBSCITM (Image Based Single Cell Isolation) and FIBSCITM (Fluorescent Image Based Single Cell Isolation) which have been implemented in all cellenONE systems. For the transmission mode or IBSCITM, the software automatically takes images and from these images, algorithms decide whether the next droplet will contain a single cell or not, if a single cell will be present and fulfil the selection criteria it will be dispensed with the next droplet into the consumable of your choice. For the fluorescent mode or FIBSCITM, fluorescent images are automatically produced, and the system detects if the fluorescent signal fulfil the selection criteria, allowing selection of only cells of interest prior to analysis.
Interesting new features such as fluorescent detection from 1 to 4 colours, configuration inside a Biosafety Cabinet and Fiducial Finding, among others, are making the system very competitive with the existing solutions in the market. Temperature and Humidity Control as well as Dew Point Control allows better cloning recovery and preventing mRNA degradation when compared to non-controlled decks.